101 Jaw Pain

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

For many of us jaw pain may be the occasional problem after a long consultation with the dentist. Some strain their jaws chewing too long on a tough piece of steak. But for a lot of people jaw pain is a regular problem caused by grinding the teeth in their sleep (bruxism).

There are many reasons why people grind their teeth during the night. The most common reason is stress, anxiety. The solution to resolving the cause is often too complexed, therefore many turn to ways of managing their symptoms to get relief.

Traditionally, a dentist will address the issue by protecting the teeth. A custom bite plate is made to prevent the premature wear of the teeth’s contact surfaces. However, this does not reduce pain caused by the action of chewing. In recent years many now use Botox and/or acupuncture to ease the tension of muscles around the jaw to obtain relief that would otherwise rely on pain killers. Relief may be short lasting.

The muscles of the mouth are specialized. We use them every day to talk and eat. So why, with all this exercise, does the jaw hurt from grinding during the night?

The action to open the mouth when one speaks is simply to allow the passage of air to flow from the lungs, through the vocal cord, over the tongue and out the lips. When we eat the lower jaw closes to allow the teeth to break up food into smaller, manageable pieces to swallow (usually the front teeth/incisors).
If it is difficult for the incisors to break up the food, then the process is advanced to the back teeth (Molars) to grind the food. This requires a more forceful pressure and longer action.

Eating a meal does not take long and is a task we develop strength within the muscles to do. But image having to close your jaw tightly and hold that tension for over a minute. Your jaw muscles will find that a challenge. Even a sustained stretch to keep the month wide open (as in a dental check) may result in pain.

Now imagine chewing a tough piece of meat all night! The grinding action overworks the muscles inside the jaw that are responsible for the grinding (side-to-side) movement. And the same again the following night and so on!

Muscles within the mouth that are used to grind food do not benefit form external needling in severe cases of Bruxism.

Your local Dentist will be able to advise you of what is causing your jaw pain. Physioinq McMahons Point will be able to assess the jaw and provide the treatment to enable you to get longer lasting relief.

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